karplogistic.com FRAUD SCAM FAKE
The scammers are placing ads on the internet for cars they do not own. Oszuści są umieszczanie reklam w Internecie dla samochodów, których nie posiadają.
Feel free to call me at (202) 503-4439 NEVER use instant payment services like Western Union or MoneyGram to buy items on the internet.
Zapraszam do mnie zadzwonić na (202) 503-4439 NIGDY nie używać usługi płatnicze instant jak Western Union lub MoneyGram do kupowania przedmiotów w internecie.
karplogistic.com is a fraud web site targeting victims in Poland.
The scammers are placing ads on the internet for cars they do not own.
Feel free to call me at (202) 503-4439 NEVER use instant payment services like Western Union or MoneyGram to buy items on the internet.